Boca Grande Preschool Enrollment Information
Current Openings: All classrooms full, accepting waitlist applications!
The Boca Grande Preschool (BGPS) is a non-profit preschool serving the needs of Island workers and residents. The BGPS serves children from 1 to 5 years of age, and operates year round. We have limited capacity at each age level, and may receive more requests for services than current capacity allows.
The purpose of the preschool’s enrollment policy is to:
- Support and ensure a fair process of student enrollment is followed.
- Provide clear communications to all involved about enrollment and waiting status.
- Improve staffing and capacity planning.
On This Page
- Enrollment Policy
- Important Dates
- Enrollment Steps
- Waiting Times
- Who Qualifies for the Priority List?
- Communication
- Enrollment Application
Enrollment Policy
The Boca Grande Preschool will accept applications for returning and new students at any time prior to the ANNUAL ENROLLMENT DEADLINE. All accepted applications will be entered onto a priority list. Students admitted to the Boca Grande Preschool will be selected from this priority list. Applicants who are not admitted will remain on the priority list for 1 year after the ANNUAL ENROLLMENT DEADLINE. Applicants on the priority list may be later admitted as space becomes available. During the year after the ANNUAL ENROLLMENT DEADLINE, you must re-apply to stay on the list and maintain your original priority date. If you do not re-apply, you will be removed from the priority list at the next Annual Enrollment Deadline and will not retain your original priority date.
Enrollment or re-enrollment is initiated only when both an application and fee payment is received.
Applications will only be accepted for students who will be at least 1 year old by the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL.
Important Dates
The PRIORITY LIST SELECTION will occur February 15th. This is the date Parents / Guardians will be notified of their child’s acceptance & classroom placement.
The FIRST DAY of SCHOOL is the date the school year begins. The 2024-2025 school year will begin on August 12th.
Detailed Enrollment / Reenrollment Steps
- An applicant must submit an Application to the BGP Director before the ANNUAL ENROLLMENT DEADLINE. A $25 non-refundable fee is due with the application. This fee does not count toward any future enrollment fees.
- The BGP Director will place the applicant on the priority list. The priority date is the date when the fee is received, or in the case of a re-applicant: when their first registration fee was received.
- To stay on the priority list and maintain your priority date, you must re-apply each year and pay the $25 application fee even if you are an existing student. This fee is non-refundable and does not count toward any future enrollment or tuition fees. BGP provides no guarantee of admission when placing you on the priority list.
The priority list is organized using:
- Priority List application date
- Applicant Age
- Priority group (returning students, siblings or employee children)
- Contact Information (email, phone number, and address)
Waiting Times
It is impossible for us to predict how quickly our waiting list will progress. Therefore, we cannot give an approximate entry date. The waiting time is affected by our license capacity and our priority policies. You are encouraged to submit your priority list
application early.
Who Qualifies for the Priority List?
Priority will be given to current students, siblings of students currently enrolled in the BGP, and children of teachers at BGP.
Parents who wish to withdraw their child/children from the center for a period and then re-apply for admission at a later date do not maintain the priority date of their previous application.
We Will Contact You…
when a space at the preschool becomes available and you are next in line.
When a space is available, we will call you and e-mail. Every effort will be made to contact you. Telephone or email notification must be returned within ten (10) business days, after which we will contact the next family on the list. Parents who decline a space or do not return notification within ten (10) business days, will maintain their position on the list for any subsequent space availability but will forfeit access to the current space availability.
Parents who accept an available space offered to them shall be liable for all payments for the space beginning no more than 30 days from the date it is offered to you, regardless of whether or not this is the date on which the child actually begins attending the program.
when a space at the preschool becomes available and you are next in line.
If the offered space does not meet your criteria and you decline the space offered, you will not need to repay the waiting list fee. You will remain on the priority list as is until the next ANNUAL ENROLLMENT DEADLINE. At that time, you will have the option to re-apply and pay the annual fee. If both the re-application and fee are not received by the Annual Enrollment Deadline, you will be dropped from the priority list.
Waitlist Application
Waitlist applications can be submitted online. Alternatively, applications can be obtained from the Boca Grande Preschool by email, in person, or by downloading them from our website.
Enrollment Request
After completing a waitlist application, enrollment requests can be submitted online through Brightwheel, our school management app. To get started, click on the button below. Then, sign in with your Brightwheel account. If you don’t have one, create one by clicking on the “Don’t have an account?” link.